That's it. Those six characters "hard-code" the rest of the drawings data as to which version protocol it obeys. in this case the file is DWG 2010 format. How do we know? Because AC1024 is code for 2010 DWG. Many of you have probably seen this table somewhere before:
DWG Version | "Internal" Version | Release Date | AutoCAD version(s) |
DWG R1.0 | MC0.0 | April 1983 | AutoCAD Release 1.0 |
DWG R1.2 | AC1.2 | August 1983 | AutoCAD Release 1.2 |
DWG R1.40 | AC1.40 | October 1983 | AutoCAD Release 1.40 |
DWG R2.05 | AC1.50 | October 1984 | AutoCAD Release 2.05 |
DWG R2.10 | AC2.10 | May 1985 | AutoCAD Release 2.10 |
DWG R2.21 | AC2.21 | June 1986 | AutoCAD Release 2.21 |
DWG R2.22 | AC1001, AC2.22 | AutoCAD Release 2.22 | |
DWG R2.50 | AC1002 | June 1986 | AutoCAD Release 2.50 |
DWG R2.60 | AC1003 | April 1987 | AutoCAD Release 2.60 |
DWG R9 | AC1004 | September 1987 | AutoCAD Release 9 |
DWG R10 | AC1006 | October 1988 | AutoCAD Release 10 |
DWG R11/12 | AC1009 | October 1990 | AutoCAD Release 11 & 12 |
DWG R13 | AC1012 | November 1994 | AutoCAD Release 13 |
DWG R14 | AC1014 | May 1997 | AutoCAD Release 14 |
DWG 2000 | AC1015 | March 1999 | AutoCAD 2000 - AutoCAD 2002 |
DWG 2004 | AC1018 | March 2003 | AutoCAD 2004 - AutoCAD 2006 |
DWG 2007 | AC1021 | March 2006 | AutoCAD 2007 - AutoCAD 2009 |
DWG 2010 | AC1024 | March 2009 | AutoCAD 2010 - AutoCAD 2012 |
DWG 2013 | AC1027 | March 2012 | AutoCAD 2013 - AutoCAD 2017 |
AutoCAD configurations can be divided into two groups: global software "Options" and drawing-specific "Settings". The Autodesk DWG files spec includes numerous configuration settings that get stored into the individual DWG file. One way of implementing certain drawing settings across all new drawings is to save those settings into the Drawing Template FIle (".DWT"). With progeCAD 2017, the default .DWT folder is:
%APPDATA%\PSOFT\progeCAD x64\R17\Professional - English\Templates

DWG like many high-precision CAD formats can accumulate erros over time. These errors can originate from geometry, block handling, API errors and many other sources. DWG errors can result in degraded (slow/"glitched") performance, stability issues and even crash incidents.
progeCAD, like AutoCAD, offers several tools for addressing DWG data errors. Main among these tools is the AUDIT command:,topicNumber=d0e19845
Regardless of the drawing origin, when system stability begins to degrade, always check the DWG quality using these tools. Occasional discussions on the CADDIT forum address these incidents directly with a number of good suggestions:
progeCAD offers comprehensive DWG drawing and editing at a fraction of the cost of AutoCAD, as shown above offering similar tools and completely compatible format. For a free progeCAD download visit CADDIT here (link).
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