27 September 2022

progeCAD 22.0.14 Free Update Released

 Sydney, Australia 26 September - CADDIT announces the immediate availability of the 2022.0.14 patch update for all progeCAD 2022 license types. This update is free for all up-to-date users of progeCAD Professional 2022 Single License (stand-alone), Portable Travel-USB and Network License types. It may be downloaded either through the progeCAD software update, or directly as a complete installation package from the CADDIT website. progeCAD is a general purpose AutoCAD-compatible 2D and 3D technical drawing software used by thousands of Australian businesses and government agencies.

This progeCAD update offers minor improvements in multiple functional areas, including Superhatch and Hatch island detection, Tables and Table Styles, ease of use and appearance issues. These include:

•    Fixed crash selecting specific hatch
•    Fixed zoom on entity in FIND command without "zoom after replace" option
•    Margins set in Table Style are now loaded correctly in table creation menu
•    Fixed EATTEDIT prompt messages
•    Fixed open of drawing with bad constraints
•    Fixed behavior of prompt boxes. Added new variable PROMPTBOXES to enable/disable prompt boxes. Right click menu is now regulated only by the variable SHORTCUTMENU
•    Now creating a new table style copies the base one successfully
•    Fixed Table Styles preview
•    Added "Match Cell" and "Field" buttons to Table Cell context ribbon
•    Fixed prompt menu when command is not active
•    Added "Alignement" button to the Table toolbar for the Classic workspaces
•    Fixed crash using table with block in cell
•    Fixed freeze searching closed boundary in a drawing
•    Fixed SUPERHATCH with circle island in area
•    Fixed SUPERHATCH with rectangular "hole" in area
•    Added double click to edit block in table cell
•    Fixed crash on edit table cell with block. Using "Format Locking" option
•    Added "Block" button to "Insert" panel of "Table Cell" contextual ribbon
•    Added TBB and TINSERT aliases of TABLEINSERTBLK command
•    Fixed ARC command from Lisp
•    Fixed contextual menu on mouse button down
•    Removed display of options list when DYNMODE < 0
•    Changed ZOOM level on FIND command, Implemented FINDZOOMSCALE variable to set scale zoom level (default 5.0)
•    Improved drawing templates dropdown menu in Start Page. Now it will display a vertical scrollbar if the list of the templates is too long

Question about this update for progeCAD 2022 can be submitted through the CADDIT website.

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