- HVAC - Actually this one license includes multiple libraries and functions for HVAC and PLUMBING, pumps and piping, gas and ducting systems, water distribution planning and design.
- Electrical - Includes all the layout design tools for circuit wiring and cabling, medical and industrial, telecommunications, fire alarm and safety, cable trays, busbars and switch boxes.
- Mechanical - This license is good for mechanical part design and includes all the nuts and bolts (literally) needed to put something together, also offers structural, hydarulic, pneumatic and additional fittings.
- Architectural - The least expensive license but still very useful for overall architectural design or office and space planning etc. with doors, windows, furniture and more.
CADDIT now offers CP-System bundled with their progeCAD design platform as their new progePLAN product, which is available from CADDIT at a nice discount. Building designers considering progeCAD's AutoCAD compatibility would do well to consider the benefit of buying a CP-Sytem enabled progePLAN bundle for their work instead. All CP-System licenses currently include online software and symbol update services and remote access support. Currently CP-System only supports metric, however plans are to also support imperial units soon.
Regardless, however, building designers for heating, ventilation and air conditioning, plumbing, electrical, structural, architectural and other systems are encouraged to download CP-System for their own CAD system and give this low-cost alternative to BIM design methodology a serious go. It will save them time, energy and the cost of the mistakes that arise from designing such systems from total scratch. For serious commercial designers in the building field, CP-System is a must-have!
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