AlibreTranslate imports the following 3D CAD formats directly:
- Dassault SolidWorks .sldprd 3D model files and .sldprt assembly files
- Dassault CATIA V5 .CATPart model files and .CATProduct assemblies
- EDS/UGS/Siemens Solid Edge 3D .par parts and .asm assemblies
- Autodesk Inventor .ipt parts and .iam 3D assemblies
- PTC Pro Engineer & Wildfire .prt models and .asm assemblies, also .xpr & .xas
- Parasolid: v18 (*.x_t, *.x_b, *.xmt_txt, *.xmt_bin)

AlibreTranslate also offers a range of automated model check, stitching and healing functions with the software. This assures closed manifold 3D objects which can be edited directly in Alibre as solid models. Units conversion between English Imperial and Metric are also included. Alibre 3D CAD already supports Rhino 3DM, AP 214 STEP, ISO IGES, Spatial (Dassault) ACIS SAT for translation to progeCAD, AutoCAD, TurboCAD as well as native AutoCAD DWG file support. Enabled with the optional AlibreTranslate license, a CAD designer can import almost any mainstream CAD model and edit it.
AlibreTranslate also exports to write directly to:
- SolidWorks 3D model file .sldprt format
- Parasolid: v18 (*.x_t, *.x_b, *.xmt_txt, *.xmt_bin)

Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks and Conceptia
SolidWorks - I would say it synchronize your imagination to virtual product development and then to a validated product.The features that i got impressed are...
Windows Interface
Powerful large assembly management
Integration with dwg editor,eDrawings,Simulation(analysis),PDM(Product Data Management) Cataloguing,photo rendering , task scheduling and much more...It is not just a modeling software but its your virtual business partner.The Global leader in CAD Products - Dassault Systèmes offers the best in class support and innovation when the world looks into the best ROI.Dassault Systèmes SolidWorks with their Value Added Resseler -Conceptia brings out the Pre and Post sale activities in major teritories in India with a large successful customer database.Be loud and proud to be a conceptian client!!!
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