I personally consider that your company’s provision of this program for academic purposes, free of charge is the best thing that has happened to the CAD industry for a long time... I teach across a number of campuses in the Hunter and am trying to convince other sections to switch over from AutoCAD to ProgeCAD for teaching purposes. The benefits of allowing students to download the program and develop their skills at home at no cost cannot be underestimated, apart from the ethical aspect of positively discouraging the use of pirated AutoCAD software.
CSTC in Queensland Australia writes:
It is an exceptional program in the standards it allows students to apply to drawing - variety of linetypes, lineweights, hatchs patterns etc. We are enjoying using it, our trainees and apprentices appear to like the feel of it. Great program.
A few of CADDIT's academic program subscribers are from outside Australia. One school from overseas writes:
Since we only have a single, one-semester course that uses CAD, this offer CADDIT makes to license ProgeCAD to schools at no charge is a wonderful effort supporting education. Our students are able to gain experience with professional software and several have applied these skills in internships and subsequent educational experiences in vocational/technical programs and college. Without ProgeCAD's support, we would be forced to use some consumer-level software, as it would be extremely difficult to justify spending thousands of dollars to license professional CAD software for a lab that will be used with a single class of students.
Another student used the opportunity to submit a new concept for a local highway intersection to local planning authorities..

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